去年年末社会融资存量175万亿,全年平均增速约12.8%。今年社融增速大幅下滑,今年4月仅10.5%,对应全年新增社融18.4万亿,比17年的19.4万亿减少1万亿。海通简单算了一笔账,目前GDP名义增速10.2%,按去年82万亿 GDP 名义值来算,即需要8.4万亿来保证经济增长。
Today in court, lawyers for Ms. Meng made three new and important disclosures.First, the criminal case against Ms. Meng is based on allegations that are simply not true. To the contrary, it was made clear in court today that business activities by Ms. Meng were conducted openly and transparently with full knowledge of banking officials. The lawyers noted in court today that the PowerPoint presented was not misleading, the bank had knowledge of the nature of Skycom‘s business and operations in Iran, and the bank understood the relationship between Huawei and Skycom. Therefore, no evidence to prove that Meng committed acts of “deceit, dishonesty, or other fraudulent means” or the bank was placed at a risk of deprivation by relying on Meng’s Presentation.